
O-pen R-esolve to K-ill U-seful T-ime - The social network saga

The fifteenth time I type my username and password, I feel real shaky. Some faint voice from my heart gets seriously chronic. I ignore it, if possible muffle it. I click on the link titled “3324 scraps” and see obscene things, like “hi da.”, “good morning dude.” etc. by this time any duffer must have figured that I am an orkut addict. (I hate to admit that.) I sip away the last traces of coffee in my mug and start keying reply meaasges. The new plugin in IE helps you reply without going to the recipient’s scrapbook(to make things worse!). the icicng on the cake is that I am sinning on a linux box. Something strikes me vaguely that linux and orkut don’t mix that well. And I’m probably not erring this time. Ion* calls me and tells me to drop by. It was like a welcome break from the tedium of constant orkutting. I slip in a dirty jeans and head to Ion’s. guess what? Ion has found a new soul mate in orkut, and he needs to assess the odds. And I was the scapegoat! He gives me a sneak peek of her pics, I get a thousand volt surge, and I can hardly sit because my pants are little bulgy now. The girl is real cool. She’s a northie from Bangalore or something. Basically christened Swagatha by her parents, she has radically altered her profile, personality and nomenclature to coax innocent souls like Ion and me. All it took was a few classic Photoshop plugins (need I say GIMP plugins cause I’m a Linux advocate) to get me on the raise. It sure worked. After several scraps of fooling around and plaudits, Ion decides to break the ice and call her for a date. It works out smooth, like the surface of a 125.Rs Table tennis ball. I am no way involved in the whole episode, maybe Ion wanted to pinch my sweet-n-single attitude by showing off his “look pal, I’m worth my salt” attitude. Definitely, the 4 months gym workouts were not in vain. So were the special snaps he posted on his profile to woo many other Swagathas around. Even stags had equal rights to Photoshop, which brings me to the basic question. What on the earth is happening in this website?

Internet is a medium where talking does the trick. Nothing else holds air. In short, You open your mouth and talk fantastic GRE grade English, people take it for granted that you are real smart. No wonder Eric has the slogan “shut up and show them the code.” Because a picture is worth a thousand words, folks at google decided to keep an album of 12 photos for each orkutter. Chicks make wonderful use of it. Many a time, I get fooled when I see 4 photos, click them to find out later that they aren’t hers, but snaps of scenery, flowers or her pet dog or cat. I was greedy enough to expect good eye candy instead(so was Ion!).

Secondly, its about the games people play. A few popular ones follow:

1)       give an apt caption for the photo above you.

2)       Would you date with the above person

3)       Tell a few words about the above person.

By “above guy” I mean the person who posted in the thread before you. Many of my friends wasted their otherwise productive time on such nonsense quite often. They justify it in the name of socializing (Ion excluded.).

Thirdly the communities folks join, which has no lateral meaning whatsoever. Most of them are void of any activity sans some Portuguese spam. I’ve had enough with English spam! In spite of so many short comings, why do people orkut, and why has it turned out to be a successful business model?

It has got everything to do with our psyche. You get sheer thrill when you are lauded. Ion used to tell me that it’s a wonderful feeling to love and be loved. Even though Ion represented but a small sample of the human population, he was “bullseye” right! It is human tendency to show off. Our musical ability, artisitcal skills, sense of humour and all sundry activities are a projection of our sexual motives. When I type in my orkut profile that I play better guitar than Bryan Adams in “summer of 69”, I am advertising my genes. The same function why peacocks show off their feathers. Orkut is a small fragment of human evolution, but a gaint leap in online social networks. One could argue that showing off could be done by other means as well, why orkut?

The answer is evident. Orkut is the easiest medium to show off. Its any fool’s “fifteen seconds of fame.” For instance, once I overindulged in publicity so much that one poor fella asked ME whether I was from IITs. This is a real life case study of how people get misguided oabout others’ personalities.Orkut catalyses your ego by a cool weapon in its arsenal, TESTIMONIALS. Or white lies, as I prefer to call them. For a good case study again, you can visit my profile and find out why! (If it doesn’t bother you, you can write me one, all it takes is an orkut account and some ability to tell white lies :-) , its that simple.). The psychologist inside me plunged into action in collaboration with Ion to create a hell lot of fake profiles with sexy girls’ snaps. We weaved a lot of imagination and did tons of psychoanalysis on desperate boys who wanted to date, notwithstanding our own friends. We learnt a lot in the process, and we grew sick of the fun. So the nest time you time www.orkut.com and login, remember that:

1)       your productivity goes down like a negative exponential function.

2)       You just show off, its an exercise in online masturbation, nothing more.

3)       The beautiful clandestine girl who scrapped you maybe your “guy next door!”.

P.S: The author is an orkut expert, you can visit his profile by searching for this blog address.


The anatomy of a headache

Whatever expressed here happened factually, right in front of my eyes. Rather, behind my eyes.

I was tired of convincing myself that I was hale and healthy on Saturday evening. I was just having a mild headache, which by the weekend assumed monstrous proportions. This was the worst headaches I’ve ever had in my whole life. It was worth a post about headaches for various reasons. One is the fact that headaches have always been a part and parcel of my life. Second vital reason was, this headache I had changed the way I look at myself.

Headaches were a mystery for a long time. Back when I was 8 years old, I presumed that the inside of the head was like a coconut. When I got my recognizable maiden headache, I imagined that the inside of my fictious coconut was dried up of all the water and hence the head ached. When I turned 12, I became a little mature when it came to headaches, so did my imagination. I held to the popular fad that if you did have a persistent headache, it was time for you to wear glasses. Even my family members clung to the same opinion. Then I imagined that when your brain starting growing, your cranium couldn’t accommodate the increase in size, so it ached. (Had my hypothesis been right in the wildest chance, cronies would look like eerie aliens!)

Eventually, after half-reading a lot of science books and encyclopedias, I developed scientific ways of looking at a headache. One opinion struck to my head till today. That headache(pain, in general) was your body’s way of telling “put off your tedium, you jerk! Its time to unwind.” I also learnt the sorry fact that our dear old brains stop growing after 20 or so years. Things became more disastrous when I stopped being an ignoramus. A headache made me panic like crazy. What if it was a deadly new virus? Meningitis maybe. But gradually, I became immune to such atypical headaches, and none of them killed me. They just came and went like Christmas or new year. Sometimes, I wouldn’t call it a day if they failed to come.

When I turned 20, I started introspecting headaches with a “root cause analysis” approach. If I ever had one, I would sit and wind back in time, thinking what I did to get this thing on my poor head. Possible outcomes were hangover after a mild dosage of alcohol, smoking or too much computer usage. Root cause analysis did little help, apart from aggravating my headaches. I was sure that excessive computer usage was a main reason for my persistent headaches. Some smart folks suggested me to use an anti-static screen and all that, but it failed to make an impression in me. Partly because, if anti-static screen was so essential, why wouldn’t they make it a part of the computer monitor?

Things didn’t change much. Sometimes, excruciating pain got your imagination on the run. The recent headache almost got me convinced that I was the first case in Bangalore of a Dengue epidemic. I don’t know why a wretched mosquito would bite me (of all people) in spite of the state’s stringent measures to curb dengue. I once thought I had brain tumor. I thought myself facing a grim doctor, who removed his spectacles and wore a sad face to tell “ I’m terribly sorry Mr.Badri, you have a so and so super-hyper-o-mia. You have only 3 days to live. Please inform the concerned personnel.”

If I ever had 3 days to live, I would waste 2.5 days figuring out what I would do, and whatever I wanted to do couldn’t be done in half a day. So, I will die a rather confusing death, and doing nothing at all. Now back to the headache. As I came out of my hallucinations, I was sitting alone on my couch with a splitting headache. To watch your peers rejoicing when you have a headache, is a mean thing. It sure makes me green. I put a self-sympathetic expression and break a tete-a-tete with them(in order not to feel left out and sick). Some people fall for that, most don’t.

Most headaches are harmlessly small, and don’t last for more than a day or two. In case they do, I resort to extreme measures. I go for pain killers, and they work wonderfully well. The next day, when I’m in the pink of my health, little do I realize how interesting headaches are. When I am out fresh from a headache spell, I give very good throughput and sap all my abilities to the fullest, as I come to know that sound health isn’t as eternal as it seems. I waste a lot of precious time when in good health on small talk, unwanted regrets and musings. Any work can become an unfinished one when a sudden headache creeps in and spoils your otherwise boring life. So, hail the occasional headache!

P.S you could bet that the author has scribbled this in the midst of a bad headache.


Beati pauperes spiritu, or how I got a job


The opinions expressed herein are the author’s personal ones, and as always the characters, sequences and identities are all spun impromptu.

Finally, Mr.Average engineer got a job in a prestigious software company. He’s termed as a “fresher” by many of his fellow species. He gets a warm red carpet welcome and is showered with lot of “to be followed” rules and regulations during the first course of the week. That is the heaviest dosage of powerpoint presentations he’s probably ever exposed to in a lifetime. He’s as ebullient at first as a puppy with new teeth. Least does Mr. Average know that long in the future, he’s going to return home with sore eyes and an aching back. That brings us to one important point. Occupational hazards of the software industry.

Back in those yonder years, when computing was mostly done in pen and paper, there wasn’t any software industry. Well, all industries had a product cycle, be it a telephone, or a chip, or even a ball point pen. They had their own customer base, acceptability criteria etc to fulfill. One fine day, software industry also felt the dire need for this lingo. I am in perfect concordance with the fact that, software industry, is a service industry under the deception that it’s a manufacturing industry.(not me, Eric Raymond said that). Mr. Average writes several “Kloc” of code, he fixes so and so defects and fills up a lot of formal documentation for the above process, and boy, that’s an overkill I tell you. These are the canonical mandates confronted by any Mr. Average lurking around in the industry, and take my word for that.

When I was in college, I loved coding( yes I  really did!). I didn’t bother in the heaven’s name about time constraints, quality assurance and other cribs back then. But this is a different place altogether. Mr. Average is first made one unwritten rule clear, software projects are mission critical, nay I prefer to use the fancy term “real time”. It’s a euphemistic way of putting that if you don’t write bug free code, bid goodbye to your job, and at times, your organization. And you that it was easy!

I had all the time in the world and dictated the “customer” as an armchair programmer. Mr. Average has a lot of things to live up to. If the rules of the game were followed ideally, he sailed his way smooth and nice. But it doesn’t happen that smooth always. God said “let there be code: and there was bugs.”

Bugs are the biggest predicament facing the programmerkind and robbing Mr. Average of his sanity and after-work life. Ask any random software engineer and he’ll say a quick “yes”. The software industry spends generous amounts on fixing bugs. Not to mention the countless overtime hours, caffeine and empty pizza boxes spent by plenty of Mr. Averages annually. Sadly, bugs are man made. Believe it or not, Mr. Average is the brainchild behind every unsquashed bug. After years of retrospect, may smart folks figured out ways to minimize bugs by lot of methodologies. And they were the people who mined gold in software industry.

tedium and Boredom are a dangerous effluvium.(otherwise I wont be hanging around in the bloggosphere while at work ;-)) . I mostly try to avoid decision making aspect here and there, and I leave it to my peers, no matter how crucial or how trivial it sounds. It might sound to most people that I’m getting it personal here, but I always give a choice to Mr. Average regarding the decision making of his decision making. That was the prime cause for me to stick to my stand as a no-frills technical guy, and not to become a manager.

I don’t loathe people wearing suits nor am I telling that managers are technically incompetent nincompoops, but I am naturally inclined to the geeky component in me. You call it my inability to make decisions or what ever you want, but I sweep all decision making under the carpet. I prefer spending my weekend fixing umpteen bugs rather.

Being a manager is more or less like being a parent or grandparent.(yawn) more in the next blog……..


Layman's guide to surviving in the software industry


All the characters, places and supposedly copyright stuff I scribble about only exist in my subconscious. Passing resemblances to real life is sheer coincidence. Any offence regretted.

Part 1: the brave new world

It takes real guts to be an engineer. I stumbled upon this truth after a series of long experiences rather, most of them with mixed flavors. At the fag end of third year, when one walked past the canteen halls or the long corridors of any building, all you could hear was professional mumbo jumbo. Guess what, we had become professionals! Wow, what panache that word attached with it. You were no longer an oversleeping, careless, economically dependent half-baked engineer anymore. That didn’t mean a lot to me anyways. But to many it did. The first step towards becoming a full baked engineer from one of the scores of engineering colleges scattered around Tamil Nadu was to get a job, and get it before you graduated. This task was reasonably easy. The average guy was faced with a lot of options by behemoth software firms and the not so famous ones. He had grown in the midst of a heritage which was fostered by his parents and the rest of the society. This trend is kept up right from first year. And that brings us to square one, getting in a college. I mean becoming a part of one of the 250 odd engineering colleges from the oddity of a mediocre school student. This traced the following easy steps:

Firstly, join a school where they train you like a secret agent or something to write examinations. You write them until you are squeezed dry of ink and imagination, the end point is you become exam-o-phobic and you get withdrawal symptoms if you don’t give exams for more than one week.

Secondly, write all the entrance tests conducted by institutions across the length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent (that way your hit to miss ratio of joining a college substantially increases). One fine day when you are blissfully enjoying your almost never ending summer vacations, if you get a letter or two from a college whose name you can’t even pronounce in the first attempt, congratulations, my boy, you are well on your way to become a “successful” engineer. Now back to square two.

They day is not far off where they will make “quantitative aptitude” by R S Agarwal as a part of the official first year curricula. I see one out of every three people carrying that book, no matter wherever they go(statistics may vary from place to place). Some odd places I saw people reading these books include railway stations, loos, fast food joints…to name a few. Second in the list comes Barron’s guide to GRE. The average engineer is innovative and open to many alternatives. If India doesn’t embrace him and recognize his abilities, he leaves the burden to uncle Sam to figure it out. And yes, he’s successful in that facet of life also. Very few morons actually go for weird things after their graduation, these include the under privileged strata who don’t fall under any category. The are deemed geeks by the rest of the “lucky” ones.

Its eventually one week before placement time, and you have crossed all barriers and have been keeping fingers crossed for this moment. Some people are highly confident of landing in a three letter software company in spite of all odds, and they manage to do it. Placement season comes and goes like hurricane Katrina. There have been a lot of trials, tribulations, realizations and ego wars over the week. Some won it, some unfortunate think they won it. Its celebration time for the placed ones. They never have to worry about work or education or problems plaguing mankind for the next thirty years of their life, or that’s what they think. Id like to steal a line from the movie con air, where Garland Green(Steve Buscemi) mutters

"What if I told you 'insane' was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"

That was quite befitting in the present context. Whether we study about computers, aero planes, IC engines or oil rigs, we land up as software engineers. I am so snobbish about being one. It gives raise to cultural shocks. You have the notion that you are suddenly pricked by a pin at you bottoms to run a rat race, no matter what, and you run it, nevertheless you know about it or not. This has been an unwritten custom, the normal life cycle a guy goes through, especially when he is under the umbrella of some big brother university( I needn’t translate it in tamil though), without knowing why.

I honesty don’t know answers to some questions darted at me, like why does software industry need so many people, how do I find the guy next door to be my cold cubicle mate down the line next Monday, to what extent is the normal state of affairs is affected in the country when I pour in some serious work by burning the mid night oil over several months, why am I paid so much for just sitting in front of a monitor all day long etc….

I will try to answer them, again honestly(and candidly), through the insight I have garnered over time.



“we have the papers."

“Fast man, open the door.”
“Not now da, we’ll smoke after 12. There are only 3 cigarettes left.” I sounded very calculative, besides being conservative about cigarettes. “open up man.” Motu started to hiss. Then I figured out that the matter was more provocative than a regular smoke, so I opend the door half heartedly.
Motu closed the door with extra caution before allowing K6 in. even the signing of Magna Carta wasn’t done with such an air of importance, I thought. “we need to help each other out, please.” He sounded like a gangster in one of those old godfather movies.” I was puzzled. K6’s stony silence was irking me way too much. Rahul made a disappearing act while I was busy calculating about evading the exams. Finally, K6 lit a cigarette, took a deep puff and thus the master spake
“we have the papers.”
I would have stripped and jumped in the room had I been alone. But I had my own ego to protect. No more reading of 8051 ports. The biggest curiosity of my life (at least for the time being) were stuffed in one of K6’s pockets. And I will be getting it in a moment or two. Life wasn’t that unfair after all. A friend in need was a friend indeed.
I pretended to be calm, composed and principled (damn I hate that word!), and I was very good at it.
“that’s good, how did you manage this time?”
“that I will tell later, but we need your help to pass.”
“no way I am looking at those papers.” I lied.
“please, I want to pass this last time”, Motu pleaded. He presented himself so pitifully, that he appeared like a helpless animal behind a cage(but for the cigarette stuck between his lips). “you can’t tell that you don’t have time, because preparation for a test whose questions you already know, needs no substantial time.” K6 added.
“no, I’ve already studied some 80% of it. That’s no problem guys.” Another lie. “but…”. I wore an expression on my face as though I was in deep thought, but actually I wasn’t. greed blinds a man’s reasoning ability, whatsoever. Whenever we do something bad, conscience calls us out in the faintest voice possible, and we pretend as though we don’t hear it. Most of the time we never pay attention to it. But, life just goes on. Ultimately we end up doing what we like. “philosophy is too vague to apply to the present context” I said to myself, and stubbed my inner voice like another cigarette.
Motu stubbed his real cigarette impatiently and said “please” loudly, to emphasize that he’s been waiting for me to say a “yes” for too long. “ok, fine.” I muttered. I felt like the referee of an India Pakistan cricket match. I was of prime importance in one of the few instances of my life, and I instantly loved my new role. I forgot Rahul. We had one problem now. We had to keep him at bay. Life suddenly became overwhelmingly simple.

a rescue in disguise

“abbey yaar, I do have a network cable. I’ll get it shortly.”
Undoubltedly, it was Shiv. I didn’t know why I had a prejudice against many short and self-centered people in the wide world, but that was the way it was. Probably he was buzzing about network cables to transfer a movie or something. Rahul was cocksure that he had the papers. Because no sane guy from our department would even dream of recreation on an exam eve, not even toppers like Shiv. Yes, Shiv was a “topper”. The world acknowledged his success in a very weird way. Getting a 9 GPA thrice continuously was his raise to fame, and people looked at it with knit brows. Still, the department wasted not time in bestowing him with scholarships, secretary posts and what nots! Afterall, they wanted a puppet who was stupid enough to dance to their tunes and clever enough to improvise too. Shiv fit in the mould impeccably. It was a kind of symbiotic relationship between him and the department, and both found peace in the long run. But for all this, Shiv was yet another hairy creature taken for granted in the hostel landscape.
“hey did you find any notes for 8051 ports, I hunted for it in the library in vain.” he queried Avinash. “old trick” thought Rahul, and he was right. Shiv wanted to be doubly sure that nobody questioned this “movie in the eve of exam” anomaly. So he acted naturally (wow, I stumbled upon an oxymoron accidentally) to avoid stirring any controversies. He had been mothballing all the questions and answers for tomorrow well in advance. So clever of him! Rahul really disliked Shiv from the bottom of his intestines, as he put it. And the fact that he was doing under table work made matters worse. It fuelled the fire all the more.
The blaring speakers in Kareem Reddy’s room brought me back to reality. I had been sitting here and trying to analyze inter-hostellites relationships and it wan ten o clock. Rahul was blissfully spending time in the land of nod. The syllabus was unimaginably vast. Something had to be done soon! Some super human act. I speculated some unexpected storm or cyclone tomorrow, but the weather had been irritatingly hot and predictive this week, so ruled out. “Say, maybe, Mr.Vasudevan, the dean dies or something. Nope, he’s in the pink of health.”
“hey(a loud hey within myself), I read in the papers about a hartal being called off tomorrow.” I churned out all socio-political, meteorological and biological issues to procrastinate the inevitable study of 8051 ports. It was ten thirty.
Motu banged the door. I knew it was Motu because it was sounding like a holocaust.


“we are now a part of the whole conspiracy theory because we need to be united now.”

asserted Rahul.

“but how are we to help?”

“don’t you understand by the way the henpeck us. They’ve got it man. They’ve got the God damn papers already.”

“c’mon, then why would they hide it?”

“I exactly don’t know for sure. But sooner or later the cat will be out of the bag.”

Even this exams will pass through somehow, I thought. But a lot of things didn’t make sense at all. Like how they got the papers in spite of Mr. Adi, even if they did, why was it so classified etc. As a matter of fact Motu was too magnanimous to suspect any foul play. We spent the rest of the night on stale late-night movies and talking hostel rumour.

“yup, metallica was responsible for the napster controversy.” blared Eashwar, apropos to Bat’s nagging talk on pop stars. The were sitting on the steep wall outside their house. K6 was trying a hopeless trick with ping pong balls. For a change, Motu wasn’t eating (he was sleeping, btw). It wasn’t another dusky Saturday evening where they could just wile away the time and sleep. At the far end of the city, some eerie guy was seriously attempting to coax a printing press worker to do God-knows-what. Everybody were anxious and waiting for the phone call to happen, except some ignorant souls like Eashwar and a few others, who never knew the gravity of the situation. Minutes seemed like years, Bat couldn’t swallow his own phlegm. People were tongue tied and keeping their fingers crossed, for the “result”.

K6 and co became day scholars(not by the literal meaning of the word) circa 2005 november. The got a wonderful and partially furnished house at Tanjore. It was the unofficial HQ of Tobacco republic, the official one being 294, where myself and K6 were yesteryear roomies. The unofficial HQ of TR, was peopled by more then seven or eight members who lived a synonymous hippie culture surviving only on the bounties of Arya vilas and a faulty home computer network, engineered by Motu and a few others. They were fairly self sufficient, and had no worries in life, till tonight, where the worst was yet to come. And it came just in time.

Motu thought it was a usual cell phone scheduled alarm, but it was in fact a call from “him”.

He woke up as though he was charging in a battle front and saw the phone with sleepy eyes. His facial expression changed. “not this early”, Motu thought, and ran to the terrace. That was the third time K6 swore he saw Motu running, the other two being instances where they served ice cream at the hostel mess some time in second year.

“hello, tell me da…”

“look, its just not possible for all the papers this time ok?”


“listen, even jana doesn’t know this, only shivin from your gang knows and…”.it wasn’t that clear.

“I swear da. But you got to understand, it’s the first and last time. Next year everybody gets it done.”

“who’s along with you now??”

“nobody da. Only K6”.

Then how was that nobody?? White lie.

“I will call in another hour. You just stay put.ok?”

“sure man.”

K6 was a wonderful evesdropper.


Apart from being the fastest SMS typing machine, Kicha was the dream boy for almost any lass out there. He had what people call lady luck. He had it so much that, even if he threw a dart blindfold, it hit bull’s eye without fail. He had a stellar GPA to his credit, thanks to the way he wrote exams. He wrote as big as tabloid headlines, and he wrote pages and pages of that gibberish(he claimed so), and eventually ended up with a decent score by any standards. If he entered a class late, the prof was in a good mood. If he didn’t complete his assignment, the prof would have forgotten it eons ago.

I advocated a theory wherein, I did whatever he did, like entering the class late along with him etc, so that I got away with all that along with him. But we both got grounded for that(the reason being, my misfortune being bigger in magnitude than his luck :p).

This time, even he was not having a hint of hope. We thought “all good things must come to an end”, and here it was now, all the bona fide and unchallenged criminals of ECE III yr were sitting and bidding adieu to our good old days(sans Motu, who was still avidly eating).

“my guess, this time Adi takes an ad hoc print out of the question papers. So if we can manage to sneak in at that moment, or if you can get even with Adi. We’ll do it for sure.” cried Kaushik.

“Plain vanilla simple. Get even with Adi.” Motu mimicked K6. “Are you nuts? I’d rather fail.”(read die). I also wanted to be a part of the conversation.

“don’t you remember the enquiry last time?”

Nobody paid any attention. People wanted ideas. The tobacco republic(as we called ourselves with some airs) wanted “no frills” attached ideas. not analysis.

Rahul thought he had come up with a solution.“first things first. Whats the syllabus?”. We all looked at each others faces. Some guy even turned the pages of his note book.(I didn’t have any!). K6 was probing his pockets, probably for the previous exam’s chit I guess.

“anyway whats your point?” Kicha yelled out.

“my point is, we’ll really study this time….honestly”. Rahul couldn’t help a slight smile on his face.

There was stony silence as soon as he said that. Motu even stopped eating, and looked at him, with a murderous expression.

“come on guys. Im not being defensive. But once in a while its ok. You people come over to the hostel and well pull out a wonderful group study. huh? what say?”

We churned out such a hilarious laughter, that the whole skt reverberated with our sound(Motu was responsible for 96% of it.)

“well well, group study…he he heh..” K6 giggled, as he stubbed out the cigarette. “ok guys, no more studies, lets chill out with some movies and all, its still a long way to go, we’ll chalk out a strategy and…”. The talk drifted off to hang outs, girls and pornography.

It was human tendency to postpone indecisive situations sine die. Most of them would rather die than think. That was so true amongst us. We opted not to think about the inevitable. We all split up after hours of tete-a-tete, unfinished cups of tea and coffee and mountains of cigarette stubs. Me and Rahul walked towards hostel with fear in our heads and hope in our hearts. I was surmising what would they be serving in the mess tonight for dinner, while Rahul hit upon something interesting.

“Badri, these people are sure getting the papers this time.”


“because the got it the last time, and the time before that, and…”

“wow, are you trying to prove this fact by mathematical induction?”

“no, but Adi has been muddling with their business for 2 monthlies now. And they have been smoothing off pretty well, without studying a word.”

He said “their business”, because it was obviously theirs. To be very honest, we hadn’t got the question papers ever in our college lives, in spite of so much fervor. Now I may sound like I am the hero of the story or something, but that was really true. My principle, or our principle as I call it, was radically different. We thought till that day, that it would be better to get a big zero and get kicked out, that get kicked out for copying. In simple terms, we were afraid of copying(here copying is the broader term that is the sum total inclusive of all malpractices followed by a chap to increase his mark significantly). Yes, two members of the fearless dauntless tobacco republic had a secret, unshared apprehension. And that was the last day we stuck to our principle.

“ok, so what are you trying to put across?” I asked pre meditatively, even though I wasn’t paying any attention to his words. I wanted an idea which worked, and I didn’t give a damn to how it worked and all.



gamer, raver, science fiction fan, punk, pervert, programmer, nerd and a trekker.period.