
O-pen R-esolve to K-ill U-seful T-ime - The social network saga

The fifteenth time I type my username and password, I feel real shaky. Some faint voice from my heart gets seriously chronic. I ignore it, if possible muffle it. I click on the link titled “3324 scraps” and see obscene things, like “hi da.”, “good morning dude.” etc. by this time any duffer must have figured that I am an orkut addict. (I hate to admit that.) I sip away the last traces of coffee in my mug and start keying reply meaasges. The new plugin in IE helps you reply without going to the recipient’s scrapbook(to make things worse!). the icicng on the cake is that I am sinning on a linux box. Something strikes me vaguely that linux and orkut don’t mix that well. And I’m probably not erring this time. Ion* calls me and tells me to drop by. It was like a welcome break from the tedium of constant orkutting. I slip in a dirty jeans and head to Ion’s. guess what? Ion has found a new soul mate in orkut, and he needs to assess the odds. And I was the scapegoat! He gives me a sneak peek of her pics, I get a thousand volt surge, and I can hardly sit because my pants are little bulgy now. The girl is real cool. She’s a northie from Bangalore or something. Basically christened Swagatha by her parents, she has radically altered her profile, personality and nomenclature to coax innocent souls like Ion and me. All it took was a few classic Photoshop plugins (need I say GIMP plugins cause I’m a Linux advocate) to get me on the raise. It sure worked. After several scraps of fooling around and plaudits, Ion decides to break the ice and call her for a date. It works out smooth, like the surface of a 125.Rs Table tennis ball. I am no way involved in the whole episode, maybe Ion wanted to pinch my sweet-n-single attitude by showing off his “look pal, I’m worth my salt” attitude. Definitely, the 4 months gym workouts were not in vain. So were the special snaps he posted on his profile to woo many other Swagathas around. Even stags had equal rights to Photoshop, which brings me to the basic question. What on the earth is happening in this website?

Internet is a medium where talking does the trick. Nothing else holds air. In short, You open your mouth and talk fantastic GRE grade English, people take it for granted that you are real smart. No wonder Eric has the slogan “shut up and show them the code.” Because a picture is worth a thousand words, folks at google decided to keep an album of 12 photos for each orkutter. Chicks make wonderful use of it. Many a time, I get fooled when I see 4 photos, click them to find out later that they aren’t hers, but snaps of scenery, flowers or her pet dog or cat. I was greedy enough to expect good eye candy instead(so was Ion!).

Secondly, its about the games people play. A few popular ones follow:

1)       give an apt caption for the photo above you.

2)       Would you date with the above person

3)       Tell a few words about the above person.

By “above guy” I mean the person who posted in the thread before you. Many of my friends wasted their otherwise productive time on such nonsense quite often. They justify it in the name of socializing (Ion excluded.).

Thirdly the communities folks join, which has no lateral meaning whatsoever. Most of them are void of any activity sans some Portuguese spam. I’ve had enough with English spam! In spite of so many short comings, why do people orkut, and why has it turned out to be a successful business model?

It has got everything to do with our psyche. You get sheer thrill when you are lauded. Ion used to tell me that it’s a wonderful feeling to love and be loved. Even though Ion represented but a small sample of the human population, he was “bullseye” right! It is human tendency to show off. Our musical ability, artisitcal skills, sense of humour and all sundry activities are a projection of our sexual motives. When I type in my orkut profile that I play better guitar than Bryan Adams in “summer of 69”, I am advertising my genes. The same function why peacocks show off their feathers. Orkut is a small fragment of human evolution, but a gaint leap in online social networks. One could argue that showing off could be done by other means as well, why orkut?

The answer is evident. Orkut is the easiest medium to show off. Its any fool’s “fifteen seconds of fame.” For instance, once I overindulged in publicity so much that one poor fella asked ME whether I was from IITs. This is a real life case study of how people get misguided oabout others’ personalities.Orkut catalyses your ego by a cool weapon in its arsenal, TESTIMONIALS. Or white lies, as I prefer to call them. For a good case study again, you can visit my profile and find out why! (If it doesn’t bother you, you can write me one, all it takes is an orkut account and some ability to tell white lies :-) , its that simple.). The psychologist inside me plunged into action in collaboration with Ion to create a hell lot of fake profiles with sexy girls’ snaps. We weaved a lot of imagination and did tons of psychoanalysis on desperate boys who wanted to date, notwithstanding our own friends. We learnt a lot in the process, and we grew sick of the fun. So the nest time you time www.orkut.com and login, remember that:

1)       your productivity goes down like a negative exponential function.

2)       You just show off, its an exercise in online masturbation, nothing more.

3)       The beautiful clandestine girl who scrapped you maybe your “guy next door!”.

P.S: The author is an orkut expert, you can visit his profile by searching for this blog address.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I lOve you

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Garrett said...

ok badri u hv got fans here i see!!!! congrats man u hv yr blog to thank 4 dat :))))

and now for the blog... ok i agree tht orkut may be a waste of time to u but all dont think so... and u cant deny the fact that orkut is a gud mean to keep in touch or communicate with ppl, friends, relatives whom u cant meet up regularly(and also meet up wid old friends)... and anyways wid all gud things do come the bad things which one shud be intelligent enough to take care of himself/herself... btw if i write more it'll be like a blog and not the comment!!!!

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gamer, raver, science fiction fan, punk, pervert, programmer, nerd and a trekker.period.